The Injury Lawyer

Ep. 4- Sepsis and Septic Shock: Do I Have a Malpractice Case

Episode Summary

In this episode of The Injury Lawyer, Steve provides a comprehensive explanation of the four prerequisites for pursuing a medical malpractice case. He delves into a detailed description of sepsis and septic shock, elucidating the symptoms. Additionally, he cites case histories and offers insights into various causes of sepsis and essential precautions to take. Don't miss this crucial episode of The Injury Lawyer, as it contains vital information to safeguard yourself, your loved ones, and your friends.

Episode Notes

In this episode of The Injury Lawyer, Steve provides a comprehensive explanation of the four prerequisites for pursuing a medical malpractice case. He delves into a detailed description of sepsis and septic shock, elucidating the symptoms. Additionally, he cites case histories and offers insights into various causes of sepsis and essential precautions to take. Don't miss this crucial episode of The Injury Lawyer, as it contains vital information to safeguard yourself, your loved ones, and your friends.




Steve Heisler decided in 1996 that he was going to focus his law practice exclusively on injury cases. Since then, he has been representing injured people against insurance companies, disreputable medical practitioners and Big Pharma, and doing it with compassion, honesty and level-headed rationality.

Steve’s been a fighter his entire life. After a back injury ended his high school wrestling activity, Steve took up boxing. His boxing career included winning the 1979 Central Pennsylvania Novice Golden Gloves and the 1980 South Atlantic AAU bantamweight title. Being feisty and quick on your feet is a good thing both in the ring and in the courtroom!

Before Steve was admitted to law school, he went to work as an organizer and business agent for the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union, Local #7. It wasn’t long before he developed a reputation as trustworthy, reliable and, above all, a fighter. “He called one time after he had been carried out of the race track by eight security guards. Steve didn’t back down from anyone,” said Paul Richards, former Executive Secretary-Treasurer of Local #7. While with Local #7, Steve organized the vendors and concession workers at Camden Yards and housekeepers at Towson University. You don’t gain the respect of hardworking people if you’re not honest and caring and level-headed.

Steve graduated from the University of Baltimore Law School in 1988. Since that time, he has represented thousands of injured people, helping them find some measure of justice after they were wrongfully hurt or lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence.

A family man, Steve is married and has three children. A sports fan, he loves the Orioles, Ravens, Wizards, Capitals and all University of Maryland sports teams. He despises the Yankees, Steelers and Duke University. He will, however, represent other people who are fans of the Yankees, Steelers and Duke!

Call Steve Heisler, The Injury Lawyer, at (855) 396-2637.